Chantal S. Bennett
Chantal Bennett is an Associate in the firm’s civil and commercial litigation department. Her practice focuses on a wide array of litigation matters that span admiralty law, employment law, competition law, arbitration law, personal injury, property disputes, and environmental law.
Chantal also has extensive experience advising major private and public entities on complex Special Economic Zone (“SEZ”) transactions, and issues concerning regulatory compliance. Her work in this field has substantively contributed to the transition of over 100 Free Zone corporate entities, into the relatively new SEZ regime in Jamaica.
Previously Chantal worked at the SEZ Authority in the capacity of head of the legal unit and Corporate Secretary. Chantal also worked as an Assistant Crown Counsel at the Attorney-General’s (“AG”) Chambers, in its in International Affairs Division. She has also served as a representative for the AG’s Chambers on the National Council on Coastal Zone Management, the Mutual Legal Assistance Committee and the Council on Trade and Economic Development of CARICOM. In this capacity, Chantal advised on environmental regulations, trade law and maritime law.
Prior to practicing in Jamaica, Chantal received training in investment and commercial arbitration and maritime law at the international law firm McDermott, Will and Emery and at the International Tribunal for the Law of Sea respectively. Through Chantal’s professional and educational experience, she has developed knowledge in corporate governance, international trade law, maritime law and commercial law. Her broad range of professional experience provides a unique slant to litigation practice, as Chantal applies pragmatic commercial and public-policy considerations to dispute resolution issues.
Chantal holds a Bachelor of Science in International Relations and Politics, a Bachelor of Laws and a Certificate of Legal Education. She is currently pursuing a Master of Law. Whilst at Law School, Chantal was an avid mooter, who received several prizes and scholarships for academic achievements and extra-curricular activities.
Chantal is currently the Vice President Designate of the Kiwanis Young Professionals of Jamaica, Kingston and a Commissioner of the Jamaica Debates Commission. She enjoys travelling and charity work in her spare time.
Bars / Solicitors' Rolls
Jamaican Bar 2015
Professionally Accredited Corporate Secretary 2020
Legal Education Certificate, Norman Manley Law School 2014
LL.B., University of the West Indies 2012
BSc. (Govt.), University of the West Indies 2007
Recent Experience
- Providing advice on the transfer of shares in a SEZ Company, the lease and sale back of a SEZ area and the application for the variation of a SEZ area.
- Acting as instructing Counsel in relation to the release of a ship
- Acting as instructing Counsel in relation to a complaint pursuant to the Fair Competition Act
- Negotiating settlement in personal injury claims
Publications & Presentations
Jamaica’s Modern Special Economic Zones: An Opportunity for Growth and Lessons from Emerging SEZ Regimes – Special issue of the Transnational Dispute Management TDM 5 (2020)
The Latest Developments of the Special Economic Zone Regime and Opportunities in Jamaica for Investment – Presentation in Collaboration with the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, DunnCox and the Special Economic Zone Authority on January 27, 2021 (available on Youtube)