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How to add/edit an Attorney

Adding An Attorney

1. Open the ‘Add new Attorney’ page to enter the details of the new attorney.

Click the ‘Attorneys’ link in the main menu:

This opens up the ‘Attorneys’ listing page. From here, click the ‘Add New’ button at the top of the page:

This will open up the ‘Add new Attorney’ page shown below:

2. Enter the attorney’s name.

Enter the name of the Attorney in the text box which says ‘Enter title here’ at the top of the page.

3. Enter the attorney’s bio.

Immediately below that text box is a text editor where you will add the biography of the attorney.

4. Enter the attorney’s Role.

In the text box labeled ‘Role’, enter the attorneys role; this is usually one of the following: Partner, Consultant, Associate, Senior Partner, or Managing Partner.

This text in this field is shown along with the attorney’s name and image in the animated carousel on the homepage, and on the ‘Our Attorneys’ page.

5. Select the attorney’s position.

In the section labeled ‘Positions’ on the right side of the page, select the attorney’s position (whether it is ‘Partner’, ‘Associate’, or ‘Consultant’) by clicking the appropriate checkbox.

This selection determines the category in which the attorney is placed on the ‘Our Attorneys’ page.

6. Upload and add the attorney’s portrait (bust) photo.

Each attorney has a portrait/bust photo which is shown wherever attorneys are listed on the website. To add the portrait photo, follow these steps:

In the area labeled ‘Portrait Photo’, pictured below, click on the ‘Add Image’ button.

A pop-up window titled ‘Insert Media’ should now appear:

Next, click the ‘Upload Files’ tab near the top of the window.

You should now see the file upload dialog shown below:

Click on the ‘Select Files’ button to choose the image file from your computer. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file anywhere on the pop-up window.

The file will now be uploaded to the website.

After the file upload has completed, a section on the right of the window labeled ‘ATTACHMENT DETAILS’ will appear. Change the text in the ‘Title’ field to the name of the attorney:

Then, click the blue button at the bottom of the window labeled ‘Insert into post’. The ‘Insert Media’ pop-up window should now close and return you to the ‘Add new Attorney’ page. This completes the adding of the portrait photo.

7. Add the Featured Image

An attorney’s Featured Image is the large full-body image which is shown on that attorney’s individual page.

To add the Featured Image, find the box on the right side of the page labeled ‘Featured Image’. Click the link labeled ‘Set featured image’ shown below:

This will open the ‘Insert Media’ pop-up window.

Follow the same steps outlined in section 6, “Upload and add the attorney’s portrait (bust) photo,” to add the Featured Image.

8. List Bars / Solicitors’ Rolls

In the text editor labeled ‘Bars / Solicitor’s Rolls’, list the bar associations or solicitors rolls to which the attorney has been admitted; each one in its own line.

9. List Education

In the text editor labeled ‘Education’, list the attorneys educational awards; each on its own line.

10. Recent Experience

In the text editor labeled ‘Recent Experience’, list the attorney’s recent professional experience as bulleted list.

11. Publications & Presentations

In the text editor labeled ‘Publication & Presentations’, list the publications and presentations by the attorney; one on each line, as shown below:

Then, each publication and presentation should be linked to the relevant document on the DunnCox website or on an external website such as jamaicagleaner.com.

To link a publication to it’s online document, perform the following steps:

Highlight the publication in the text editor, then click on the ‘Insert/edit link’ button as shown below:

A box with a text field will then pop up, as shown below. In this text field you can simply enter the URL (web address) of the article on external websites or dunncox.com.

You may also search for the article on dunncox.com by typing the title (or anything that may be present in the article’s text content) into the text field. A list of results will then appear, if matching articles are found. See below:

From here, click on the article/publication to select it.

When you have finished entering the URL or selecting the article from the website, press enter on your keyboard or click the blue button to the right of the text field to finish adding the link.

12. Awards & Recognition

The section labeled ‘Awards & Recognition’ allows you to list the awards and recognition the attorney has received. The section is formatted as a table.

Each award or recognition consists of a logo image along with a URL (where available) which links to the details of the award online.

To add an award, click the ‘Add Row’ button as shown below:

This adds a new row to the table, allowing you add a new award image and an associated URL, as shown below:

To add the logo image, click the ‘Add Image’ button circled above. This will allow you to upload or select the relevant image.

If there is a URL associated with the award, enter the URL into the text field to the right. Make sure to enter the full URL, starting with ‘http://’ or ‘https://’.

13. Telephone, Fax, and Email

Enter the attorney’s telephone and fax numbers in the relevant fields, in the following format: 876 922 1500.

Enter attorney’s email address in the ‘Email’ field.

14. Industry or Practice Area

On the right side of the ‘Add new Attorney’ window, there is a box labeled ‘Industry or Practice Area’, in which you can select all the practice areas in which the attorney works. Simply check all the practice areas which apply:

15. Carousel / Slider Display Options

On the right side of the page there is a box labeled ‘Carousel / Slider Display Options’. This allows you to select whether or not an attorney is featured in the Attorneys Carousel on the homepage, pictured below.

In order to show the attorney in the Attorneys Carousel, you must check the checkbox labeled ‘Featured in Carousel / Slider?’ as shown below.

[The text field labeled ‘Order in Carousel / Slider’ can be ignored, because the Attorneys Carousel currently uses random ordering.]

16. Save & Publish Attorney Profile

Now that you have entered all the details for the attorney, it’s time to save and publish the new attorney profile (Actually, you don’t have to wait until all details are entered to save the profile).

To save and publish the attorney profile, go the the box labeled ‘Publish’ in the top-right of the ‘Add new Attorney’ page, then click the blue ‘Publish’ button, displayed below:

The attorney profile will now be visible on the website. If the profile was already saved, the button will instead say ‘Update’.

Alternatively, if you want to save your progress, but don’t yet want to publish the profile to the website, click the ‘Save Draft’ button (shown above).

Editing an Attorney

In order to edit an already existing attorney profile: Go to the Attorneys listing page (see section 1); hover over the name of the attorney who you would like to edit – a row of links will now appear; click on the link labeled ‘Edit’, pictured below:

Then simply follow the same instructions given for adding an attorney.